
John Hanlon Reviews


5 Reasons Why John Carter Disappoints

Posted in: 5 Reasons  |  March 9th, 2012

John Carter could have been a good movie. In fact, order I included it in a list of 10 films that we here at Screen Rant were looking forward to this month. The trailer made the imagery look exciting and I was eagerly anticipating one of the first leading movie roles that Friday Night Lights alum Taylor Kitsch was taking on. Unfortunately, I was massively disappointed by this tired adaptation of the iconic Edgar Rice Burroughs story.

Admittedly, some here at Screen Rant have enjoyed this wannabe sci-fi epic, including managing editor Kofi Outlaw, who wrote our official John Carter review. But as a viewer and a critic, I was greatly disappointed – so I’ve composed a list of five reasons why the movie was a ‘fail’ for me. As always, let us know your own opinion in the comments below.

Click here for the full list.



