When Stranger Things premiered in July of 2016, few people knew what the series was about. After its premiere, the sci-fi show and its blend of nostalgic warmth, colorful characters and well-written science fiction quickly found an audience. The show’s popularity grew and...
USA’s new drama focuses on the mystery surround motive. Check out our The Sinner review to see if it’s worth watching. Mystery programs usually revolve around apprehending a culprit. A detective or a team is introduced to track down the murderer of the week. USA...
“Leave one wolf alive and the sheep are never safe.” So states a disguised Arya Stark (Maisie Williams) in the season seven premiere of Game of Thrones. The sentiment rings true for most of the standing characters on the HBO drama. After six seasons of bloodshed and...
In season 5 of HBO’s hit comedy Veep, one-time vice president Selina Meyer (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) is living in both a dream and a nightmare. She’s the sitting President of the United States but she’s also anxiously awaiting news about her political future. At the end of...
Big Little Lies is one of the most unique shows on television today. It stars three well-known actresses — Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman and Shailene Woodley — and it celebrates their flawed but powerful characters. The series was adapted from the Liane Moriarty novel...
Season 5 of The Americans begins tonight. Check out our review of the new season below. The Americans feels timelier than ever, more about a great surprise considering that the show is set more than thirty years ago. The FX drama, remedy which airs its fifth season premiere...