Emma Watson was only eleven years old when the first Harry Potter film arrived in theaters. The cinematic series catapulted her to worldwide fame and for seven more features, the world watched as she grew up as her character on film. In a similar...
Director Clint Eastwood’s newest drama offers a new glimpse into what the press deemed the Miracle on the Hudson. Check out the Sully reviews below to see if the film is worth checking out. Oscar winning director Clint Eastwood’s latest...
The story of Chesley ‘Sully’ Sullenberger could’ve been fodder for a predictable inspirational film that ends with the main character climatically saving 155 lives (including his own) onboard a disabled plane. But director Clint...
In 2002, Nia Vardolas became a household name when her movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding became a smash hit in theaters nationwide. With the support of producers Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson (who helped make Vardolas’ one-woman show into a feature...
The second trailer for the highly-anticipated Bridge of Spies has arrived and it casts two-time Oscar winner Tom Hanks as the “Standing Man” in this Steven Spielberg production. Check out the new trailer below and our thoughts on it...
Insurgent Poster Alongside new Late Late Show James Corden, troche two-time Oscar winner Tom Hanks helped recreate some of his most famous roles in a hilarious montage. Check out the video...
In a year of serious and powerful cinematic fare, website like this Saving Mr. Banks is a wonderfully idealistic concoction. Loosely based on the true story of how the 1964 classic Mary Poppins arrived on the big screen, this production focuses on...