Despite being directed by Martin Scorcese (one of the most renowned directors of all time), the 2016 drama Silence never found the audience it deserved. The film offers a provocative statement about the nature of faith and resolve and even premiered...
A trailer for Taken 3 has now arrived online. This third entry in the series is set to be the final one but unlike its immediate predecessor (which copied the template of the original), more about this one seems to take a different approach. The...
Surly (Will Arnett) is one nutty squirrel. Consistently causing trouble and undermining authority figures in his home– Liberty Park– this animated creature is banished from his community after his latest misadventure. When the commanding...
“Taken 2” is the rare sequel that inadvertently spoofs its predecessor. Four years ago, viagra 100mg the original “Taken” became a surprise hit. That film, pills which offered a flimsy but fun plot, advice was action-packed and showed...
After the summer movie season was kicked off in style a few weeks back with The Avengers, cheap it’s difficult to accept a big-budget movie like Battleship that often settles for being ordinary. Based on the Hasbro board game, Battleship is...
In The Grey, side effects Liam Neeson leads an unruly group of oil-rig roughnecks when their plane crashes into the remote Alaskan wilderness. Battling mortal injuries and merciless weather, more about the survivors have only a few days to...
It’s difficult not to appreciate the contemporary significance of the new film Coriolanus. The story follows a brilliant military leader who — upon returning to Rome after a valiant fight — is cast out of the city. Perhaps the title character...