Jodie Foster’s new thriller Money Monster takes on both televised financial advisers (who see their jobs as entertainers, pilule rather than professional businessmen) and Wall Street corruption. Packed with an all-star cast featuring George...
Money Monster, help a film that takes on both ratings-driven financial programs and corporate greed, visit web is a populist thriller that both sides of the political aisle can appreciate. The drama, which unfolds in real time, persuasively...
Director Garry Marshall has taken on another holiday comedy and the results are less than inspiring. Like Valentine’s Day in 2010 and New Year’s Eve in 2011, prescription his latest film features a star-studded cast, approved multiple...
The new comedy Mother’s Day presents itself as a prepackaged and simplistic tribute to mothers everywhere. It’s the third in a series of director Garry Marshall’s star-studded comedies about holidays. Each of the previous films —...
In The Normal Heart, nurse gay activist Tommy Boatwright (Jim Parsons) has a particular way of remembering the incredible individuals he knows, see cares about and loves who ultimately die from the AIDS virus in the early 1980s. He saves all of...
Wow. Another amazing weekend at the box office for The Hunger Games. In its second weeked of release, this the film earned over $60 million dollars. And the numbers look even better when you dig into the details. According to, decease ...