The new Hulu drama Castle Rock embraces the legacy of Stephen King. In its opening moments, the warden of Shawshank prison (the setting of the 1994 drama The Shawshank Redemption) commits suicide. Later, when officers investigate an unused section of the jail, they quickly find...
The new Paramount drama Yellowstone feels like a natural next step for Kevin Costner. The Oscar-winning director is well-known for Westerns that embrace big storylines and wide-open arenas. From Dances with Wolves (1990) to Wyatt Earp (1994) to the Hatfields & McCoys...
In the climactic first season finale of Westworld, the show’s power dynamic changed. The park hosts, who had shown signs of consciousness throughout the season, began a revolt. These robotic figures prepared to wrest control of the theme park from the tycoons and the engineers...
There are traditional stories — fictional and nonfictional — about bank robberies. A criminal walks into a bank carrying a weapon and demands money from the drawer. From news accounts to documentaries, we’ve all seen stories like that. Sometimes, the culprit gets caught...
In the first five seasons of The Americans, Philip and Elizabeth Jennings (Matthew Rhys and Keri Russell) have faced a number of adversaries. The married Russian spies have been a steady team since the beginning, facing off against diplomats, government leaders and any people...
It’s been nearly five decades since New York Senator Robert F. Kennedy, brother of the late President John F. Kennedy, was murdered on the campaign trail. At the time, Kennedy was running for the Democratic presidential nomination. In her new four-part documentary series Bobby...