Universal Studios was once well-known for its monster movies. Long before superheroes dominated the big screen, theaters were playing movies like Frankenstein (1931), The Mummy (1932) and Son of Dracula (1943). Each of these films focused on...
In the first ten minutes of Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation, we see special agent Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) climbing aboard a moving plane as it begins taking flight. Hunt is tracking a massive stack of weapons on the plane and won’t surrender...
“Battle is the great redeemer.” So states Master Sergeant General Farrell (Bill Paxton) in the new sci-fi drama Edge of Tomorrow. The character only states the line once during a day but it’s repeated time and again in this Groundhog...
Director Joseph Kosinski knows how to create a visually-impressive world. In Tron: Legacy (2010), order he created a world of video games that seemed both beautifully simplistic and masterfully realistic. In his new drama Oblivion, side effects ...