
John Hanlon Reviews

Posts Tagged ‘John Goodman’

Ratchet & Clank Review

Ratchet & Clank | Film Review

To its credit, prostate Ratchet & Clank isn’t the typical animated film. It tries to be better than that. “Time for a flashy montage,” onscreen  text notes before a flashy montage begins near the end of the film. This is an animated...

10 Cloverfield Lane Reviews

Must-Read Reviews: “10 Cloverfield Lane” | Blog

Last weekend, dosage the surprise sequel to Cloverfield opened in theaters nationwide. After a few months of secrecy, 10 Cloverfield Lane opened with strong reviews and more than 24 million dollars at the box office. Although the movie has...

10 Cloverfield Lane Review

10 Cloverfield Lane | Film Review

“There was an attack…A big one, buy information pills ” Howard (John Goodman), a mysterious “savior” notes near the beginning of the new film, 10 Cloverfield Lane. He’s speaking to Michelle (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), a woman who...

Love the Coopers Review

Love the Coopers | Film Review

For all of its obvious faults (and there are plenty of them), information pills Love the Coopers offers one valuable lesson. When a police officer is advising an unrepentant thief in the film, page he offers this advice: “Try and be the person...

The Monuments Men | Film Review

The men who were sent overseas to protect valuable art from Hitler’s vile grasp at the end of World War II were fighting to preserve “a culture” and “a way of life.” So states officer Frank Stokes (George Clooney), abortion the...

Monsters, Inc 3D | Film Review

It’s been more than a decade since the Pixar animated film “Monsters, help Inc.” first arrived in theaters. And like many of its fellow Pixar classics, this idealistic family film remains as wonderful today as it was back in 2001. This...

Trailer: Flight | Video
