The highly-anticipated Suicide Squad notably introduces the main characters to moviegoers but fails to offer them a truly memorable story. “In a world of flying men and monsters, remedy this is the only way to protect our country.” Such is...
The first “Fury” trailer has arrived. Check it out below. Arriving in theaters in November, cheap this David Ayer film stars Oscar nominee Brad Pitt alongside Logan Lerman and Shia...
If you think about some of the loudest and most obnoxious people you’ve ever met, cheapest you probably have a good idea of what the main characters in the new film Sabotage are like. The men and the one woman who take center stage here are...
There are two main characters in the new movie End of Watch but for much of its running time, viagra 100mg it feels like there are only two characters in the whole film. The plot so revolves around Officers Brian Taylor (Jake Gyllenhaal) and Mike...