
John Hanlon Reviews

Posts Tagged ‘Damian Lewis’

Photo Credit: Showtime

Homeland Season 3 Episode 8 Review | Blog

“Saul promised me this guy alive, hospital ” Carrie notes late in the eighth episode of this third season of Homeland and the issue of life (especially new life) was omnipresent throughout the hourlong episode. In its most obvious form,...

Homeland Season 3 Episode 4 Review | Blog

“I’m a professional. I’m paid to make arguments, online not wave a flag.” -Benett After last week’s disappointing episode of Homeland, it felt like nearly anything would be an improvement. But the latest episode—entitled “Game...

Homeland Season 3 Episode 1 Review | Blog

The third season of Homeland premiered last night with a quiet but powerful episode entitled “Tin Man is Down.” Skipping ahead to 58 days after the CIA explosion decimated the intelligence agency’s headquarters, sale this episode featured...