Creed, more about one of the best movies of 2015, recently arrived on Blu-Ray and DVD. The film was a sequel-of-sorts to the Rocky films and featured Michael B. Jordan as Apollo’s son– a young boxer who trains under the tutelage of his...
Warner Brothers Home Entertainment has announced that the 2015 drama Creed will be arriving on Blu-Ray and DVD on March 1st but users can purchase it early on Digital HD on February 16th. The Ryan Coogler drama continues the story of Rocky Balboa...
Overall, 2015 was a great year at the movies with a lot of great films arriving (including big budget fare like Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Jurassic World). There were plenty of box office failures as well (like financial flops like Fantastic...
It’s been thirty-nine years since the Rocky arrived in theaters. Since then, there have been six sequels to the Oscar-winning original. Some have been gratifying while others have lacked the spirit and the powerful message that these films — at...