Greetings, sick
In recent days, search I’ve been spending some time learning about the survey tool in Triton. Using this tool, capsule not only can you ask listeners political questions but you can ask them about show-related topics.
That brings us to John’s Monday Tip of the Week.
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Considering that the primaries/caucuses are only a few weeks away, now would be the perfect time to launch a survey using Triton’s Fan Club. Using the survey tool in that system, you can simply ask voters who they plan to vote for in your upcoming primary.
Not only would listeners be engaged in participating, they would be asked to join Fan Club if they want to vote..
Every person who fills out the survey could be another member of your station’s Fan Club and possibly a subscriber to your station’s newsletters.
Additionally, you could launch a survey to coincide with a local show’s subject matter. For instance, check out the attached screenshot from a survey that KDAR launched to ask users about their retirements. KDAR has a retirement show which ties in to the survey’s topic.
If you have a local show that discusses building wealth, it might be worth asking the hosts if they want to conduct a wealth survey on the site. Not only would the show hosts be promoting the survey (and the results), they would in essence be inviting users to sign up for your station’s Fan Club.
I think one of the key ingredients to hosting a successful survey is making sure the audience wants to participate. New listeners might not want to take the time to fill out their information to conduct any survey so you want to make a survey stand out and help it overcome an initial user hesitance.
So in addition to political surveys (who are you voting for in the primary) or show-based surveys, you could conduct more entertaining surveys (and promote those answers on your site or with your local shows).
An example of that might be: “If Bernie Sanders was elected president, what would be the first thing he would outlaw?” or “If you could make a movie about Obama’s biggest scandal, what would it be called?”
There are a lot of potential areas you could cover in a survey but all of them could be used to get listeners more engaged on your site and signed up to be members of your Fan Club.
For help setting up a survey, let me know and I would be happy to get the process started.
This has been John’s Monday Tip of the Week.
Have an awesome week, everyone.
John P. Hanlon