
John Hanlon Reviews

John’s Monday Tip of the Week: A fresh start with the audio player

Good evening, information pills

It’s been a busy year so far and we’re working to make some incredible progress in the months ahead. One of the biggest Newstalk projects we’re working on this week is the introduction of the new audio player, which has already been introduced on some of our sister sites.

The new audio player is a great improvement over our previous player and its introduction provides us with a few great advertising opportunities.

That brings us to John’s Monday Tip of the Week.

To get us started, here’s a look at what the new player looks like:

As you can see, the audio player is cleaner, more user-friendly and more enticing than our other player.

Because the player is one of the most-viewed and utilized pages on your sites, we want to take advantage of that new look to bring more advertisers and clients in.

At the end of last week, I sent out e-mails to each of your stations noting which of your ad spots were being used (and by what clients). I did that because the new player has different-sized ads so we need to transition over the important ads from the other player.

There are three spots on the new player but the first one is being used for station branding so that means there are two main DFP ad spots there. On the player above, the first ad spot is the Facebook ad and the second one is the “Art of Marriage” ad. Both ad spots are 970×90.

We are tentatively planning to make the new player live late Wednesday or early Thursday (I will confirm that with the team tomorrow).

That means that if you have ads running in the player now that you want to have moved over, let me know by the end of the day tomorrow (Tuesday) if

a.) the client will be sending you a new graphic or
b.) you want our designer’s help in resizing the graphic you have now.

We definitely want to hear back from you to move forward on this.

If you don’t have ads in there now (or the ads are older), we’ll be working to set up mobile app ads or newsletter ads for those spots.

Regardless, we want to have a great fresh start with the new player so please– if you haven’t already– let me know how you want to handle your current audio player ads. This is a big opportunity for us to launch the player on the right note so we want to embrace it.

This has been John’s Monday Tip of the Week.

Have a great week, y’all!
