
John Hanlon Reviews

John’s Monday Tip of the Week: Financial Opportunities on the Audio Player

Good evening, dosage

It’s a short week this week with the holiday coming up but that doesn’t mean John’s Monday Tip of the Week takes a break!

This week, viagra I wanted to bring your attention to our “Listen Live” players, adiposity which provide one of the biggest reasons that listeners come to your sites.

We know that listeners are using these players (on most sites, the player receives the highest or the second highest number of page views) but I wanted to make sure that you all were taking advantage of the opportunities on those players and that brings us to John’s Monday Tip of the Week.

For help learning about these audio players, I consulted our audio guru Jennifer Alba.

Jennifer was kind enough to send me a list of all of the available ad inventory on our players. I looked over all of the Newstalk sites this evening and noticed that many of you aren’t taking full advantage of all the ad spots on the player so I wanted to e-mail you about them.

The most important advertisement on these players might be the video pre-roll, which plays before the radio stream plays. If you sell this spot to a client, the client’s advertisement will play for fifteen seconds before the audio stream begins (giving your client a great opportunity to pitch their products to our listeners).

These video files should be 15 seconds long or shorter and they should be sent to Jennifer. In addition to that placement, there’s a 300×250 companion ad spot that will appear while the video is playing. That way, users will be watching a video about a company at the same time they see an ad for that company.

There are two ad spots at the bottom of the player too. Those can be set up through DFP and their success can be easily tracked through that system. The sizes for those ads are 234×90 and 468×60.

Additionally, there are two other static spots on the player. Those spots can only be used for one ad at a time. The ad at the top of the player is a 728×90 and the second ad spot– a 300×250– replaces the companion ad once that disappears.

Just to clarify, the 728×90 and the 300×250 ad spots can be used for station logos so I would probably recommend using one of those spots for the logo and the other spot for an advertisement.

After looking over the Newstalk sites, I found a really great example of a station that’s taking full advantage of the audio player. That station is KTKZ in Sacramento.

I’ve attached two screenshots to this e-mail. One of them shows the KTKZ player with the video pre-roll playing and the other one shows the player after the pre-roll has ended.

You can see that KTKZ is utilizing the video pre-roll alongside a companion ad BUT when the ad stops playing, the station logo appears. In addition to the video pre-roll and the companion ad, that station is using the static 728×90 ad spot at the top of the page along with the two DFP ad spots at the bottom.

They’re definitely using the player to its full effect and their success is definitely something worth replicating.

For details on the video pre-roll and the two static ad spots, please contact Jennifer Alba. If you want help setting up the two DFP ads or changing them, please let me know.

This has been John’s Monday Tip of the Week.

Have a great Thanksgiving!


John P. Hanlon
