Good afternoon,
Thanks for all of those who submitted your feedback in the “John’s Monday Tip of the Week” survey! I greatly appreciated it and learned a lot from your comments.
If you haven’t already filled out the survey, please take the opportunity to do it in the next day or two (I sent out a reminder this morning.)
This Monday Tip of the Week is coming to you early because I was told that the tips were coming in a bit late (and getting lost in the mail) so I’m using your great feedback already to improve this.
One of the other suggestions I heard from the survey was that people wanted to explore Fan Club possibilities more…and that leads us to this week‘s edition of John’s Monday Tip of the Week.
One of the benefits of using Triton is the fact that the company runs so many contests that we can take advantage of.
For instance, Triton is running a great contest this summer that will let one lucky winner travel to Hawaii with a guest. Everyone who has a Fan Club can take advantage of this contest. All a user needs to do to put their name in for the contest is become a member of Fan Club and then just put their name in for the contest (The contest will automatically appear under “Contests” in Fan Club.
The benefit here is simple. You can use this nationwide Triton contest to get more people to sign up to become members of your station’s Fan Club.
Triton has done all of the work for us. We just have to promote it.
Click here for more details about the contest, which runs from July 4th through August 1st. In addition to the details, that page also offers your stations a sample script to use during radio promos, social media text etc. Additionally, Triton has already created ads for this promo (that you can use), which can be downloaded here.
All you have to do to take advantage of this opportunity is start running ads and then link users to your Fan Club pages so they can sign up to become a Fan Clubmember and then enter to win.
When users sign up for the Fan Club to participate, that helps build up your database.
I would suggest running a pop-up ad once a day for each user to see what kind of response you get. If you want, I can set up the ad for you and then we can monitor the results.
Also, it would be great if you started promoting this contest on air and letting some of your station contacts know about this promo. The more the word about this contest spreads, the more Fan Club members you could get.
If you want some help with ideas, please let me know but this is a great opportunity to take advantage of using Triton and we should all try to use this contest to get some solid results out of it.
This has been John’s Monday Tip of the Week.