
John Hanlon Reviews

John’s Monday Tip of the Week: Debate Coverage Begins Now

Good evening, treatment

The Salem-sponsored debate is a mere eight days away so we should all be getting pumped for it! In September, we had a successful debate working with CNN.

That leads us to John’s Monday Tip of the Week.

We had so many success stories from the earlier debate (from highly-trafficked pages on the sites to debate watch parties) that we want to build on that here.

With that in mind, this week’s tip of the week is to begin coverage of our debate coverage as soon as possible.

We really want to build momentum for this. I know that some of you are already promoting debate parties (awesome!) but our great designer has gone ahead and prepared a lot of ads for us to start promoting the Salem coverage of the debate.

Attached to this e-mail, you will find the following ad sizes: 728×90, 1000×55, 993×53, 300×250, 800×360, 750×60, 970×90,468×60, 234×90 and a 970×250.

If you have any unused space on your sites or in your newsletters, I definitely suggest using those spots to support the debate. We want to get as much momentum as we can this week for this event so that we can really thrive!

This has been John’s Monday Tip of the Week.

More information on the debates is forthcoming but I wanted to get us started.


John P. Hanlon
